NEW Product Launch Flodesk Template


Imagine hitting "send" on an email that doesn't just reach your audience, but grabs them by the shoulders and says, "This is exactly what you've been looking for." 

That’s what you’re getting with the NEW Product Launch Flodesk Template — it’s not just a email, it’s your launchpad to increased sales and open rates that make your heart skip a beat.

We’re talking about a ready-to-send, fully crafted sales email that feels like you’re sitting down for coffee with your audience, not just selling to them.

It’s packed with conversion-focused copy that speaks directly to the heart of your dream customers, because let’s be real, we’re all about creating connections that count.

And those subject lines and preview texts? Prepare for love at first sight. They’re designed to stand out in an overflowing inbox, kind of like finding your favorite latte in a sea of plain black coffee. They’re your first hello, your digital handshake, and your chance to make someone’s day before they even open the email.

Now, let’s talk about turning pennies into profits — because with an email marketing ROI of $41 for every $1 spent, it’s clear that hitting ‘send’ on the right message can feel a lot like hitting the jackpot. This Flodesk Template isn’t just a pretty face; it’s a revenue-revving, engagement-boosting powerhouse.

So, whether you’re announcing the next big thing or a sweet little something that’s going to make your audience’s day, this template is here to make sure your message doesn’t just land — it launches. Because here’s the thing: your next big break is just an email away. 


  • Flodesk Template Design
  • Professionally Written Sales Email
  • Three Subject Lines to Choose From
  • Preview Text To Spark Their Interest
  • Easy to Customize to your brand colors